Each business has different needs.
Our experienced CTAs are ready to meet you
where you are.
Number | Revenue size | Service fee (monthly) | Note |
1 | Revenue size irrelevant | 200,000 | Only telephone consultation is provided |
Number | Revenue size | Service fee (monthly) | Foreign Direct Investment companies |
1 | Below 20billion KRW | 300,000 | Semi-annual visit(Basic) |
2 | 500,000 | Quarterly visit |
Number | Revenue size | Service fee (monthly) | Foreign Direct Investment companies |
1 | Exceeding 20billion KRW | 500,000 | Semi-annual visit(Basic) |
2 | 700,000 | Quarterly visit | |
3 | 1,000,000 | Monthly visit, Submitting Report for semi-annual basis |
Less than 2 hrs | Less than 4 hrs | Less than 6 hrs | More than 6 hrs | More than 8 hrs |
1/4 Day | 1/2 Day | 3/4 Day | 1 Day | 1.5 Day |
Number | Revenue size of a company | Tax consulting fee (monthly) |
1 | Less than 200million KRW | 450,000 KRW |
2 | 200million KRW ~ 500million KRW | 450,000KRW + the amount exceeding 200million KRW * 16.0/10,000 (=0.16%) |
3 | 500million KRW~ 1billion KRW | 930,000KRW + the amount exceeding 500million KRW * 8.0/10,000 (=0.08%) |
4 | 1billion KRW~5billion KRW | 1,330,000KRW + the amount exceeding 1billion KRW * 6.0/10,000 (=0.06%) |
5 | 5billion KRW ~ 10billion KRW | 3,730,000KRW + the amount exceeding 5billion KRW * 3.3/10,000 (=0.033%) |
6 | 10billion KRW ~ 50 billion KRW | 5,380,000KRW + the amount exceeding 10billion KRW * 1.7/10,000 (=0.017%) |
7 | 50billion KRW ~ 100billion KRW | 12,180,000KRW + the amount exceeding 10billion KRW * 1.3/10,000 (=0.013%) |
8 | Over 100billion KRW | 18,680,000KRW + the amount exceeding 100billion KRW * 0.6/10,000 (=0.006%) |