Various issues arising in a rapidly changing business environment are becoming much more complex.
In addition the tax law is continuously changing and makes it impossible to complete tasks with previous experiences. This circumstances make a person in charge to address their work by themselves as a new law and regulation are set.
In particular, when companies try to handle tax issues by themselves without professional expert, it can end up with much heavier tax burden. We were able to handle problems with previous experiences, however recent situation makes it harder to do so with additional taxes and penalties.
Our firm provides tax consulting service for medium sized companies having such difficulties.
Even if the company has an accounting department to do bookkeeping and tax reporting, the company still needs tax consultation service from external experts in order to reduce various tax burdens, adjust appropriate tax reduction plan and reviewing legal issues.
02. Target businesses
Selim is providing consultation service for medium sized companies, which have their own accounting department and able complete bookkeeping, VAT and withholding tax reporting within a company.
In case, a company is using the Internet or asking friends for the tax law to solve unusual transactions, tax consulting service is a must.
The company would be able to cope with rapidly changing tax environment and protect assets from various risks by tax consulting services. Selim provides quality tax consulting services for clients with low service fee and responds whenever our clients need us.
03. Consulting benefits
Generally known accounting and transaction practices are not all legal in terms of taxation.
Even though the tax law has derived from the economic environment, the main pillar of the tax law is securing fiscal resources of a nation. Therefore, the law do not acknowledge transaction practice for every business sectors. Companies may face serious financial or fiscal damages if they try to handle tax issues by using previous experience. Companies can avoid unintentional mistakes and the tax risk in advance by finding out appropriate business process through consulting service.
In addition, consulting service can mitigate stress of the accounting department and provide smooth work environment. In this sense, tax consulting service will be like an insurance which is necessary for various tax burdens.